Today I had the indisputable proof that God exists and that, above all odds, my love.
Let me explain the situation: not that I have some personal antipathy or aversion towards the physics just yesterday I was doing very well to study two chestnuts.
Today, of course, the professor had decided to question the carpet!
"Yeah! Yes! But what luck! "This was no doubt what has gone buggy for my little head. >.>""
In any case I spent the first time of two hours of interrogation to hope and pray that he asked me something that I was completely unaware.
It's not that I had not studied anything, but I was in the typical situation of Socrates know what my knowledge in this area was minimal, and this, nor, I did not care a cicisbeo.
And so the divine light, the holy spirit has settled over me and lit my way ... * Pause for effect, white lights and angelic choir *
That I had a bunch of colossal size!
I asked the only two things on which I could make a speech sufficient, if not brilliant!
is further proof, after the miraculous power of the computer died, the existence of God!
Oh! What lighting! What bliss! What cavolicchio of 7 on the register! XDD