Um .... okay come on, is a first attempt? just to make known to the community and I remember only ideas that are missing so ... XD
a robo done at 4 am on the bed and agonized by maldipancia. quaaaaanta poetry ♥
because as every nerd knows, every game needs a different approach because different emotions. here, even nervous, mainly, but missed.
and do not know about you but I am not able to play a mica at a time ... so in general it a 4-5 game one day .. one day ... one more ... and these are the ones I am currently playing:
Zelda Zelda is ....... puchoso and a nice game, a little 'intricate at times but overall finds it difficult to annoy.
Okami .... eh, beautiful Okami. no, amazing, really. if only I could cut and move on, mannaggiadfdfhfjdksssssssh!
... the Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn manages to pull out all the finesse that I have (in small quantities, somewhere), with its strong characters heck of a bug as constipated and ignoble required. I hate you. and you have no idea how much. with the special participation of
Another Code ... now, it seems pretty nice grafla plot, how to play (at Hotel Dusk for instance) I've always liked and the characters do not seem bad (except that there Mirko Maida , is identical) has only one problem ...... You know when you find yourself with parentame senior to tell you that a sentence of doubt on the interest it takes 4 hours and the third syllable you start to tremble and feel sleepy eyelid fall mercilessly on you? here, the same feeling ... and interest rate of the dialogues: -1000.
(no Brawl, oh well. Kirby must die and YOU GET NO SYMPHATY FROM ME!. Brawl end summary.)
come on I know it sucks, but can be a start XD
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