Thursday, December 30, 2010

Common Pick 3 Numbers


E 'la traduzione tra i due dell'intervista di Grandi nemici DRRR!
La potete trovare nel CD "Durarara! Character & CD "con Daisuke Ono, Hiroshi Kamiya e da strawberry anni_fiesta> \u0026lt;
Per la cronaca l'ho fatta io nn l'ho trovata ... but ^///^... era stupenda * __ *

^ Q1. Cosa pensi di lui?

Ahh ~ ~? I have nothing to say about Shizu-chan, because I hate him. But aaaamo humans. You ask me why I hate him? ... ... Because it is unreasonable. In short it is a creature protozoal. Apart from this, however, there are times when it is insightful and that is why it irritates me loooong. ~ Can not you just die?

First of all, call it flea and we can talk. Second, I do not know enough to be able to speak and I will not even know at any event not make me do! ... I could ... explode just thinking. Listen, you. I hate it, fuck.

Q2. If he had to choose something you like, what would it be?

If I had to choose something ...? I have not already made it clear that I hate him? If I had? If I had to, huh ... ... (sighs). Occasionally - and I say, oc-ca-sio-nal-men-te - manages to entertain. Aha, I'm not saying it's his intention or otherwise. It 's funny bother - I have to keep in mind that it could cost me my life, obviously. Despite not like to Shizu-chan-technically I would have politely refused to please him because I would have caused a lot of problems- I would not mind more pleasure to the chain of serendipity that sometimes it is so good at teasing.

Something that I like!? You were listening or are you deaf?! If the flea had at least 1% of reliability was not going well between him and me first! Argh? If I had? "If I, if I had" - you are fucking annoying. I've already 'THAT THERE' S NOTHING! It 's always alone with no friends, so he enjoys engaging others in his plans. Makes me FUCKING NERVES. I have no idea what he has in mind. I do not want to know, anyway.

Q3. Since most do not go along?

Since we are not getting along? Nah, it was not in my plans alienated. When you say "since most do not go ~" in other words implying that once you get along with him, is not it? The only thing we did together was attend the same school. We never talked about manga or had a passionate battle on one of those machines at the arcade. Between me and he was always fists and knives and tricks and traps ... huh? All this makes us seem like friends? Oops, you have a filter overly positive in my ears, Author-san. It would be better to avoid saying something similar when interviewing Shizu-chan, I know, right? If you want to see his reaction, however, do not stop. Yeah ... Shizu-chan is probably one of the toys I found in one million. One of those who want to break but at the same time that I want to play longer.

Since we are not getting along? Tsk ... ... Are you suggesting that once went along? I do not have the big heart that is used to smile and make friends with someone cuts you with a fucking knife to the first meeting! Do not give a fuck if I just want to live a quiet life. Always involves me in situations far from peaceful and notes with that annoying smile from a high point. Oh. I forgot to say that ... I hate violence. FUCKIN 'Make sure that this is included in the interview. Punch and kick and throw things from all ...... Aaargh!? I've already 'told you so! HATE VIOLENCE! And I hate that fucking bastard of a flea that makes me use!

Q4. They say you're in a relationship "dog and monkey" *. Do you consider yourself a dog or monkey?
* Dog and the Monkey "is used to define two people who do not get along.

If it is between the dog and monkey ... ... I prefer the dog. Shizu-chan is like a monkey, lifting and pulling objects from all sides equally.

dog and monkey ... I choose the monkey. I do not like annoying sounds.

Q5. Who would win in a fight between you two serious?

Who would win in a serious fight between us? The question is a bit 'rude, no? Seems to imply that usually let the other get away or something. In any case ...... they are always serious, you know? With regard to Shizu-chan ... is difficult to imagine how someone like him could protozoan or intentionally left to go save the worst for last final blow. So I guess that he is serious. In any case, it would be a shame to end it all quickly? For this I am taking my time with him. I can not say that there are intense moments ....

Ask who would win in a serious fight between us? I'm not mica to hit him every time just to see what they are good at it. By the way, is not even fucking win, first of all. I have my reasons not to forgive, and he has reasons to be messed with me, here. And 'why not let him go if he tries to never again put foot in Ikebukuro. Are no less than a fucking genius when it comes to find him. Heh .............. .... not that he is proud.

Q6. The attacked while sleeping?

\u0026lt;i> ORIHARA IZAYA

I? Attach Shizu-chan? While asleep? Hahaha .... probably! But it is a wild animal, so there is likely to be very sharp when it comes to these things. I saw his face asleep, anyway. It was somewhat nice. Until veins began to appear above it 0.5 seconds later, of course. Ah, could have been my fault. You're right, though - I could do something about it while he sleeps and just see what happens .... like make sure he wakes up lying half-naked in the middle of 60-Story Street or at a crime scene with a knife in his hand . Ahh ~ about this, there was a time when I enjoyed a. ....

I? Attach the flea? While asleep? Ahhh ... I know where his apartment. Since he is .... I probably would not be able to do it anyway. If he had one ounce of humanity in him to lower his guard even occasionally things would not go well between us. -!? He saw my face .... asleep!? (Clenches teeth) that bastard of a flea! WHEN, WHERE, HOW DO YOU VIEW THE FUCKING TIME! Geh talking about .... this is so fucking Izaya watch people fucking with his sense of superiority from a place that can not see snickering. How many fucking times did it? Tehh .... that's why I said there are reasons for which must be messed up by me, not ever forgive him.

Q7. Anything else to add?

Something else, huh. Sure, sure. Heyyyy ~ Shizu-chan? How are you? ........ Very well, I guess, since I've thrown him in a dumpster a few hours ago. I can not express in words what they want you dead, but in case you're planning to live longer, I would advise you to try to live a little 'more like a human. What do you think? If Shizu-chan to become more like a human, there is the possibility that you begin to like a bit 'more ...... you know? Eheheh .... hahahaha .... hahahahahaha!

Anything else to add? ... What a bore. ... IIIIZAAAAYAAA-KUUUN ~? The next time you set foot fucking Ikebukuro to kill you '-! - I've already said a lot of times ......... but I'm not angry. I just want menarti. Keep your fucking talk to you, simply let lead FUCKIN HELL FOR ME AND GO!


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