the mystery of the Eternal Feminine, I learned at the seminar of the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy. A report on the problem of the relation God and the world in the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov was made editor in chief of "Socrates" MSU Associate Professor Alex P. Kozyrev.
Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov - Russian philosopher, theologian, poet, essayist, literary critic - was born in 1853 in the family of the famous Russian historian, Sergei Mikhailovich Soloviev (Author of the multivolume "History of Russia from ancient times).
Studied at the Department of History and Philology of Moscow University. At twenty-one year he wrote his first major work "The Crisis of Western Philosophy." In 1880 he defended his St. Petersburg University doctoral dissertation.
March 28, 1881 lecture, which called for mercy on the killers of Alexander II, which caused his retirement from the university. Returns to writing works purely theological nature of the "History and future of theocracy," "Russia and the Universal Church."
As a true philosopher, Vladimir Solovyov family had no lived in the estates of his friends or abroad, was a man of expansive, passionate, and impetuous. Summer of 1900 Soloviev, arrived in Moscow to pass into print his translation of Plato. Felt ill. Died in the name of Peter Nikolaevich Trubetskoy in the same year 1900.
main idea of the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov was the idea of Sophia - Soul of the World. He understood it as a mystical cosmic being, uniting God with the earthly world.
Sofia is the eternal feminine in God and at the same time God's plan for peace. This image found in the Bible, but Solovyov it was opened in a mystical vision.
Implementation Sofia possible threefold way: in theosophy formed idea about it, in theurgy it finds, and in a theocracy, it is embodied.
In 1880, Vladimir Solovyov wrote and published number of papers in which promoted the idea of reuniting Western and Eastern Churches, under the leadership of the Pope, for which he was criticized Slavophiles and conservatives.
Soloviev rejects the idea of evolution, but considers it an attempt to overcome sin through the breakthrough of God.
Soloviev strongly advocated against the moral neutrality of science. It is based on the cultivation of Christian love as renunciation of self for the sake of unity with others.
Faith does not contradict reason, but rather complements it. Divine Wisdom (Theosophy) represents a synthesis of scientific discoveries and revelations of the Christian religion in the whole of knowledge.
Martin Heidegger wrote that the Russian victory in World War II, because they had the doctrine of the Divine Sophia.
Soloviev - a daring priest, thinking theology as a living legend.
sophiology - the main theme of creativity Vladimir Solovyov.
sophiology - a baroque theology, it's Space Association.
sophiology Solovyov stuck between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Sofia is the fourth hypostasis, standing below the three (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit), and not participating in their activities.
Sofia is the Eternal Feminine Goethe and World soul Schelling.
philosophy and theology are two separate disciplines.
philosophy is more capable, in contrast to theology, because involves a set of heuristic models.
philosophy continues to the field of intellectual freedom, it is a refuge from the collision of religious leaders.
Vera prohibitively philosophy, it is philosophy.
Russian religious philosophy - a romantic phenomenon.
Romanticism alien to postmodernism, and today not modern.
Sofia must leave behind the philosophy is more of poetry and religious images.
Soloviev leaves philosophy and becomes a poet, remaining faithful to Sofia.
Sofia - a beautiful poetry outside of philosophy.
Vladimir Solovyov believed that "all men - the Christ, all women - of the Virgin."
Logically, religious philosophy is prohibited (such as wooden iron), but in fact it exists.
Stepun: need and potential of philosophy to a firm and sincere Christian believers. But neither feasible nor any philosophical justification or philosophical interpretation of Christianity.
SL Frank said: It is impossible to combine ontology vast cognitive thought with the ontology meets the needs of the heart.
Sergei Bulgakov believed the philosophy of Christian eresiologiey.
Mission Vladimir Solovyov was to carry the Christian principles into practice.
Soloviev - a vivid example of how can a living philosophical experience.
Soloviev - a metaphysician who works with philosophical or religious revelation.
absurd to divide philosophy and poetry Solovyov in the object of research.
Establishing the truth is not like the job and how to perform an event, an event thought.
Russian Space Art as a special event is thought of as a limit thinking.
Once the rod pulled out of eternity begins collision of Modernist era, and then post-modern tolerance.
Until recently, time of theological thought of the Russian Orthodox Church, in virtue of the fact that she was under the yoke of godless power, was at a low enough level, it was not possible develop this idea. Now this is changing. But I would like to theology is not turned to a shout.
We scattered Russian ethnos worldwide forcibly from the policy of religious intolerance of the Russian autocracy.
Russian village can be found in Alaska, Argentina, Brazil, France, in Canada.
Solovyov recognized that the religious policy wrong and must be changed.
dialogue between the church and philosophical community must continue and to seek constructive forms to translate that experience, the knowledge and the spiritual potential, which is contained in sophiology.
Philosophers should answer the questions of the modern world, this is their moral duty!
very interesting talks about Vladimir Solovyov in a series of TV programs dedicated to his work, Professor Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg University, Boris Averin.
It is believed that Mr Soloviev inspired Dostoevsky to create an image of Alyosha Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov. "
Solovyov believed that the basis of perfect state should be based on spiritual principles, and it should be not national but universal in nature.
«The problem of law - not to make the kingdom of God on earth, but not to transform the lives of people in Hell.
purpose of law - to balance two moral interest: personal freedom and the common good.
"common good" should limit the private interests of the people, but it can not replace them.
Soloviev oppose capital punishment and life imprisonment, which in his opinion, contrary to existing law.
"legal coercion does not force anyone to be virtuous. Its mission - to prevent an evil man to become a villain (a danger to society)."
Act - a "restriction of personal liberty demands of the common good."
Progress state is that "as little as possible to embarrass the domestic moral world of man and how you can more accurately and more widely to ensure the external conditions for a dignified existence and improvement of people ".
« Moral - always strives to build the ideal; prescribes proper behavior is addressed only to the inner side of the will of the individual.
most popular work Vladimir Solovyov, "The meaning of love."
By Vladimir Solovyov, "the meaning of love - ... celestial object of our love always and only one for all the same - the eternal Femininity of God.
But man's task is not to her worship, and to embody this ideal as an individual and on the ground.
Strong individual love is never official instrument of generic objectives that are achieved in addition to it.
see the meaning of sexual love in the expedient childbirth - is to recognize that meaning, where love itself does not, and where it is, take it all meaning and any justification.
In our material environment can not keep true love, if you do not understand and do not take it as a moral deed
task of love is to justify, in fact the meaning Love, who at first given only in a sense, requires a combination of these two limited beings, which would create one of them absolutely perfect personality ".
Vladimir Solovyov - one of the most prominent Russian poets of the 1880-1890-ies, one of the forerunners of the "Russian Symbolism.
«Everything turned, disappearing into haze
motionless only the sun Love »
« Dear Friend, Or can not you see,
With all that is seen by us only glimpse
only shadows
from sight unseen? »
Who is it?
What is this?
why it lives in my heart hardened,
in my heart is worn out?
Why pull the incomprehensible, you can not live in my indestructible?
unremitting sorrow of mine.
my love impossible.
Sadness undivided.
Incomprehensible ...
What an idea if I were you, I do not know.
But you live and will live in my soul no matter what.
And no adversity, no disappointment will not push you out of my heart,
which is the only alive because you make his knock.
you are and you are not.
What do you mean? "
Who are you, my god?
lamp of my soul!
You're always with me, and when to fade, I have no desire to live.
No power to express a feeling, thought-provoking about the high, the impossible, about you!
Just be with me, just be me, nothing I do not need. For
you - all my life and my death, and that beyond death, and my faith, and love.
What a thrilling mystical quest for the soul of women, children, a girl my eternal ...
person so it is impossible to love!
Where are you, where are you my girl impossible, unremitting my dream, my madness!
Give me the opportunity not be yourself,
bring back the ability to love,
Give me back my youth, youth, childhood, when I first met you,
when I first felt the rush of the unknown feeling
when I first felt the love, not knowing what is love.
Everything between us was impossible.
This impossibility and made happiness Happiness!
So from the rock smelted gold!
So soft turn passion!
So love is love!
Impossible ... Impossible for the peace of the ground, but as a reality living in us
for another world - Gorneva where we get back, if we can keep this feeling in this fire.
Fire. She was a fire. He devoured it. And lighting. And sanctified!
And I'll die with her.
And even if no one will be in my grave with me will she -
my eternal young unfathomable dream -
my girl!
You and I
We were on fire
We have particles Fire
We dissolved into Love
We do not want to return to the body
We have become a Love
We were sparks
Camp fires already burning out.
He gave me the Truth and the Life.
Fire burns in me now.
We are one:
We are God's idea!
(an excerpt from my novel-profit "The Wanderer" (mystery) site New Russian Literature
© Nicholas Kofyrin - New Russian Literature -
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